Punjab Free Solar Panel Scheme Registration Method 2024

Punjab Free Solar Panel Scheme Registration Method 2024. You will get the registration method of solar panels in this article. The Punjab government has started registration for Punjab Free Solar Scheme. This scheme is meant to help poor and deserving families get solar systems by following a few easy steps. This guide will give you all information you need to register and eligibility criteria. you will find latest updates about scheme. Punjab Free Solar Panel Scheme Registration Method 2024 is here, read the article carefully and get the payments.

Latest Updates on Free Solar Scheme

The Chief Minister of Punjab, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, has announced that now families who use up to 200 units of electricity per month can get free solar systems. Previously, this was only available to families using up to 100 units per month. The scheme aims to provide solar systems to 50,000 families, but due to rising electricity prices, eligibility has been expanded. For families using between 200 and 500 units of electricity per month, Punjab government will offer interest-free loans to install solar panels. Families using more than 500 units per month will be eligible for a 75% interest-free loan.

Electricity Consumption Solar Scheme 2024

The scheme is divided based on electricity consumption: families using up to 200 units of electricity per month will receive free solar panels, those using between 201 and 500 units will be offered interest-free loans for solar panel installation, and families using more than 500 units will be eligible for 75% interest-free loans for solar panel installation

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for free solar system, you need to meet following criteria: be a Pakistani citizen, be a resident of Punjab, have a monthly income of less than Rs 50,000, have never taken a loan from any bank, have a Pakistani identification card, use less than 200 units of electricity per month, not be indebted to any financial institution, not be involved in any crime, and not be employed by any government agency

Required Documents for Registration

If you meet eligibility criteria, you will need following documents: last 6 months’ electricity bills, your ID card, and your mobile number

اگر آپ اہلیت کے معیار پر پورا اترتے ہیں، تو آپ کو درج ذیل دستاویزات کی ضرورت ہوگی: گزشتہ 6 ماہ کے بجلی کے بل، آپ کا شناختی کارڈ، اور آپ کا موبائل نمبر

Registration Process

If you meet all criteria and have necessary documents, follow these steps to register: go to nearest branch of Bank of Punjab in your city with your documents, speak to the representative and get registration form, fill out form with required information, and submit the completed form back to representative. The Punjab government will review your application, and if you meet criteria, you will be notified by SMS or phone call, and installation process of the solar system will begin.


The Punjab Free Solar Scheme is a great initiative to promote renewable energy and help families reduce their electricity bills. This guide provides all the necessary information and updates on how to complete registration process. If you are eligible, follow the steps to register and take advantage of this opportunity.

By Admin

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